

Notice to purchasers of the 2014 Edition of the CCMS 校友目录:

September 3, 2015 update:

The College recently learned that 校友 研究, 公司. and its CEO, Robert Laping, have filed for bankruptcy protection in August 2015. The Florida Attorney General had previously filed a claim for unfair and deceptive trade practices against 校友 研究 and Mr. Laping in June 2015 to seek recovery and damages associated with the prepaid yet unfulfilled directories. The Attorney General intends to continue to pursue this claim, and has sought the approval of the bankruptcy court to do so. We have informed the Attorney General that our alumni have been impacted in the same manner as the other 43 schools’ alumni discovered thus far. 至于学院, we are working through the bankruptcy process to reclaim the property we provided to 校友 研究. There is a possibility that you will receive requests from the Florida Attorney General or the bankruptcy trustee. We encourage you to respond. For those of you who prepaid for the directory, the claim for recovery of that money is personal to you and you should ensure you complete whatever is necessary to qualify for any potential recoupment. We do not know if there will be any financial recovery for this horrific situation. The College plans to monitor the Attorney General’s case and the bankruptcy proceedings. We will let you know if we learn anything of value.


CCMS has received numerous inquiries from individuals who purchased the 2014 edition of the 辛辛那提 College of Mortuary Science 校友目录, which has been published and distributed by 校友 研究, 公司. 自1998年以来. We understand that many of our alumni placed advance, pre-paid orders in 2014 with 校友 研究, 公司., expecting publication and distribution of the Directory some time ago. We are extremely disappointed that 校友 研究, 公司. has neither published the Directory nor filled these orders.

Having partnered for many years successfully, CCMS never anticipated such a failure on the part of 校友 研究, 公司.  We extend our apology to alumni and assure that we are actively seeking resolution. Over the past several months, CCMS has demanded that 校友 研究, 公司. promptly and completely resolve this unacceptable situation, but there has been no response to date. We are continuing to seek resolution, including reimbursements to those who paid for a Directory. Please note, that the breach by 校友 研究, 公司. in accepting payments but not fulfilling orders is a breach directly between the company and the purchaser. If you paid for a Directory and have not received a refund, you should consult an attorney or the consumer protection division of your state attorney general’s office regarding your individual legal rights.  You may also contact the Florida state attorney general’s office, where 校友 研究 conducts business.

Together, we may be able to resolve this unfortunate situation. Please know that we will provide any and all updates as they become available.


校友 研究, 公司.
假日,Fl 34690

PHONE: (855)277-5546
传真:(727)845 - 8842