
奖学金, Grants & 贷款

在本页,您将找到有关CCMS奖学金的信息, funeral service scholarships, federal and 状态 grants, 和贷款.

Arlington Memorial Gardens

New Scholarship Opportunity!





The Arlington Memorial Gardens recognizes the importance of future generations of the funeral profession and supporting our local ABFSE accredited mortuary school, 辛辛那提 College of Mortuary Science (CCMS).   我们很高兴地宣布我们的新奖学金计划,其中包括两个$5,000奖学金将提供经济支持和 recognize promising mortuary science students who have demonstrated academic achievement and a passion for the skills and commitment needed as a leader in the death care industry.  5美元一个,奖学金将由阿灵顿纪念花园殡仪馆颁发,000美元和5美元,奖学金将由阿灵顿纪念花园公墓颁发.  奖金将直接支付给CCMS.  每位获奖者将于2024年1月在阿灵顿团队的招待会上获得表彰.


·       Fill out the online application at amgardens.org/ccms-mortuary-science-scholarship-program/

·       Upload/provide a 750 - 1,000 word essay on why you have chosen funeral service as a your profession.

·       参加有组织的Zoom面试,与奖学金小组讨论 一旦你获得执照,你想为葬礼服务做出什么贡献.  Zoom面试将安排在23年11月16日- 23年11月23日.

·       上传/提供你的成绩单(如果你有的话),反映你的累积GPA.

·       Upload/provide a current resume.

·       Upload/provide a personal reference letter.

资格 Criteria:  A qualified candidate will be an enrolled student at CCMS who has completed a minimum of 1 semester of their academic program of choice with a GPA of 2.5或以上.

Applications accepted 10/26/23 – 11/13/23.  No late applications will be accepted.



 " As part of Spring Grove’s commitment to the 辛辛那提 community and the future generation of funeral professionals, 我们很高兴地宣布我们的新奖学金计划.  支持我们当地的ABFSE认可的太平间学校, 辛辛那提 College of Mortuary Science (CCMS), we are offering three $7,000 scholarships that will provide financial support to students that demonstrate exceptional potential.  This program will recognize those leaders who are dedicated and passionate about pursing a funeral service career.  Two scholarships will be sponsored by Spring Grove Funeral 首页s and one scholarship will be sponsored by Thompson, Hall and Jordan Funeral 首页.  我们还将向申请人颁发四张250美元的礼品卡,可用于购买书籍.  除了财务奖励外,还将直接支付给CCMS, we will present winners with a recognition certificate and invitation for a special luncheon with Spring Grove leadership." 


点击 更多的信息


Rachael Anderson Memorial Scholarship

瑞秋·安德森于8月27日加入了# ccms#大家庭, 2015年与她的同龄人一起参加了2015-2016年秋季CCMS班. She was a bright, beautiful light. She lovingly accepted everyone and was a compassionate caregiver and great advocate and champion for the death care profession. Rachael quickly befriended her 同行 and successfully saw her dreams come to fruition as she completed her education with CCMS, graduating cum laude. 然后,她动身前往俄亥俄州中部,在肖-戴维斯殡仪馆当学徒. 当她的学徒生涯即将结束时,她的生命被夺走了. 

为了纪念瑞秋对生活的热情和她所选择的职业的热情, CCMS设立了瑞秋·安德森纪念奖学金. 她的家人, along with funeral service professionals, 同行, 朋友们一起筹集了10多美元,为了纪念瑞秋,我筹集了一万美元来资助奖学金. 

到目前为止,为了纪念瑞秋已经获得了超过3000美元的奖金. 其余奖学金将每年颁发两次, 在第三学期,每个队列中有一名获奖者, in consultation with Rachael's family. 奖 will be presented to CCMS students who display the same passion for funeral service as Rachael. 

"Rachael had many passions throughout her life. First and foremost, her career! She had a gift of compassion! 她喜欢跳舞,喜欢与家人和朋友交往. She loved children! She loved her life! 人们将永远记住瑞秋的独特性, 努力工作, 慈爱, 快乐, infectious laughter. She had the ability to make a lasting impression on everyone she came in contact with and she could light up a room with her smile." -Family of Rachael Anderson

Scholarship Criteria 

Scholarship Application & 问卷调查 

捐款给瑞秋·安德森纪念奖学金基金,请点击这里. (在第一个问题中选择“Rachael Anderson Scholarship”.)


Federal Pell Grant


  • 联邦政府资助有特殊需要的学生,先到先得
  • Must complete the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)
  • Award ranges from $250 per academic year
  • 必须是没有学士学位的本科生
  • 优先考虑同时获得佩尔助学金的学生


Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG)

Ohio War Orphans Scholarship

Please keep in mind that schools must wait a minimum of 15 days after the start of the term before requesting funds electronically that will be transferred electronically and applied to students’ accounts. Students must attend full-time, 先前的获奖者必须满足相应的累积GPA要求(最低2.00)



If you apply for financial aid, 作为学校经济援助的一部分,你可能会获得贷款. 贷款是你借的钱,必须连本带利偿还.

If you decide to take out a loan, 确保你了解谁在贷款,以及贷款的条款和条件. Student loans can come from the federal government or from private sources such as a bank or financial institution. 贷款 made by the federal government, called federal student loans, usually offer borrowers lower interest rates and have more flexible repayment options than private loans.

Federal Direct 贷款

Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Direct 贷款 are for eligible students to help cover the cost of higher education. 联邦学生贷款由联邦政府提供资金.

我如何申请 for a Federal Direct Loan?

  • 完成 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • 完整的 Entrance Loan Counseling. This is required per federal regulations.
  • ALL first-time Federal Direct Stafford Loan borrowers must complete Stafford Entrance Loan Counseling before being awarded a Federal Direct Stafford Loan. An electronic confirmation will be transmitted to the 金融援助 Office within 24 hours.
  • 完成你的 Master Promissory Note. 这只需要在您参加CCMS时完成一次.


After you apply for aid, 你可能会得到补贴贷款或无补贴贷款, or a combination of both. The primary difference between the two is the interest rate and when the interest begins to accrue.

  • 资助贷款是根据学生的经济需要发放的. 在贷款处于延期状态期间,您将不会被收取任何利息, such as while you are enrolled, 因为联邦政府补贴或支付利息.
  • Unsubsidized 贷款 charge interest from the time the money is first disbursed until it is paid in full. The interest is capitalized, meaning that you pay interest on any interest that has already accrued. 减少利息累积的一种方法是在利息累积时支付利息.

Only undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need are eligible for Subsidized 贷款. 直接无补贴贷款适用于本科生和研究生. Federal regulations are used to determine the amounts each student may borrow by considering the cost of attendance and other financial aid.

要了解更多关于联邦直接补贴贷款和非补贴贷款的信息,请访问 教育部直接贷款比较网站.

Federal Direct Parent PLUS 贷款

CCMS participates in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (Direct Loan). The Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) is a loan that parents can obtain to help pay the cost of education for their dependent undergraduate children. Eligible parents borrow directly from the U. S. Department of Education and can borrow up to their child’s cost of attendance minus other financial aid received.

我如何申请 for a Parent PLUS direct loan?

  • 登录
  • Click on “Request a PLUS loan.”
  • Under “What You Need” – click on “Parent PLUS.”
    • 完整的 “Student/Parent Personal Information” -> continue
    • Select Award Year
    • 完整的 “Student Parent & 贷款信息”
    • Review Application
    • Credit Check and Submit
  • Once all steps are completed, 请务必打印一份主本票的副本以作记录.
  • An electronic confirmation will be transmitted to the 金融援助 Office within 48 hours.

For more information please visit the Federal Student Aid Website.