
B.M.S. 课程描述

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社会311 -死亡和临终的社会方面(2学时)

研究美国的死亡,因为它既影响个人,也影响社会. 与美国人对死亡态度有关的社会学现象, 儿童与死亡, 晚期疾病和临终关怀, 以及自杀. 特别强调的是他们的相关性葬礼服务实践.

MGT315 -商业法律与道德(3学时)

The basic principles of Business Law and ethics are examined in relation to the funeral service profession and how agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission regulate practices, 专业的合同, 可转让票据, 销售, 与保证.

MGT314 -殡葬服务管理I(3学时)

小企业主和业务的会计和财务实践,包括会计周期, 制定和理解财务报表, 簿记及银行业务, 工资, 以及殡葬服务和行业专业人士的资产折旧.

科学318 -防腐微生物学 & 病理学(3学时)

微生物和病理条件检查,以及它们如何与死亡有关, 具有浓度的物理和化学变化, 疾病传播和控制, 灭菌消毒, 以及与防腐过程相关的疾病状态的影响.

SCI316 -防腐理论I (ET I)(3学时)

介绍临床实验室的设置和政策, ET I侧重于地形和心血管解剖学, 以及基本的医学术语. Pre, 在, 并探讨后防腐的考虑,并介绍了案例分析. 防腐理论I是ET II和CMP II、III的先决条件.


SOC322 -殡葬服务中的职业关系(2学时)

探讨殡葬服务行业的商业和人际关系. 培养与雇主和同事建立良好关系的技能, 家属, 以及整个社会. 学生们有机会制作一份简历, 使口头陈述适用于葬礼服务, 并练习移情关怀和葬礼安排技巧.

SCI328 -修复艺术I (RA I)(3学时)

重点放在头盖骨和面部的自然形态和外观上. 研究内容包括头部的骨骼和肌肉、形状、比例、轮廓和特征. RA lab is a component allowing the students to gain practical experience in modeling and reconstructing features. 蜡媒,化妆品和色彩理论也进行了探讨. 恢复性艺术I是恢复性艺术II的先决条件.

SCI328L -修复艺术I实验室(学分包括在RA I)

Practical application of the Restorative Art (SCI328) curriculum with a focus on modeling and restoration of the human form using armatures and wax. 学时包括在SCI328.

MGT324 -殡葬服务管理II(3学时)

检查当前的太平间法律理论, state and federal regulations pertaining to funeral homes as a business and directors as licensed professionals. 探索法律权利, 职责, liabilities and the various parties involved when arranging for disposition and the order of the death registration process in the United States. 旨在介绍葬礼的预先安排和方法,通过允许确保市场份额, 合法的营销策略和融资选择.

SOC321 -历史到当代丧葬习俗(3学时)

葬礼指导课程侧重于基本职责, 责任, 以及那些从事葬礼服务的人的期望, 从历史到当代的角度来看. Explores the influences of religion and burial practices in ancient cultures and the evolution of those customs and beliefs into modern day practice. Examining birth cohorts and various religious rites assists funeral service professionals in conducting the arrangement conference, 为各类葬礼提供便利, 从司仪服务到补充服务, 包括兄弟荣誉和军事荣誉.

MGT323 -墓地和火葬基础(2学时)

角色墓地和火葬场的研究采取在今天的死亡护理实践. Historical perspectives of cemeteries and crematories are presented to understand their influential pasts and to protect their futures. 适当形式的深入检查, 文档, 法定, and regulatory requirements are explored to promote responsible professionalism within future deathcare providers. The science and statistics of interment and cremation are provided to encourage an understanding of how funeral professionals can adapt to an ever-changing landscape of final disposition options

科学326 -防腐理论II(3学时)

ET II侧重于防腐技术和液体的应用. 本课程探讨如何处理困难的情况,包括延迟防腐, 对婴儿或儿童进行防腐处理, 尸体解剖, 器官及组织捐献者, 因事故或疾病造成的创伤, 分解, 和燃烧. 血管的困难和水分的考虑也进行了审查. 防腐理论二是防腐理论三的前提.

SCI327 -临床太平间实务II (CMP II)(1学时)

CMP II brings the student into the lab where clinical practices rely heavily upon ET I theories and procedures as the basis for embalming fundamentals and safe clinical practices. 临床停尸房实践I是CMP II的先决条件.


SOC331 -悲伤心理学(3学时)

悲伤的过程和葬礼导演在促进悲伤的作用进行了检查. 讨论了悲伤的理论和特征, 包括与特殊损失有关的悲伤的独特特征. 咨询理论和原则提出并应用于葬礼安排. 在咨询实验室中探索技能,其中包括角色扮演. 本课程必须与殡葬服务管理III和太平间科学顶点课程同时修习.

MGT334 -殡葬服务管理III(3学时)

定义了丧葬承办人作为经理的角色和职能. 管理技能, 人员甄选, 动机和培训, 并对运营管理进行了讨论. 除了, 该课程的销售部分旨在发展棺材的产品知识, 金库, 和其他商品, 其中可能包括制造商在校园或实地考察期间的演讲. 规划殡仪馆选择区域和展示商品也进行了探索. 本课程必须与悲伤心理学和太平间科学顶点课程同时修习.

SCI338 -修复艺术II(2学时)

重点放在治疗各种小的修复技术,包括缝合, 组织建设, 还有换头发. 主要修复的治疗,包括磨损, 伯恩斯, 骨折, 分解, 疾病, 创伤, 并对特征重建进行了探讨.

SCI338L -修复艺术II实验室(学分包括在RA II)

Practical application of the Restorative Art (SCI338) curriculum with a focus on the modeling and reconstruction of features & 面部形态,头发替换,和美容应用. 学时包括在SCI338.

科学336 -防腐理论III(3学时)

对防腐化学品的深入调查, 他们的作品, 功能, 以及它们如何影响有机组织. This course is designed to aid the embalmer to better understand the reactions of the chemicals used in this field so they may be utilized to greater effect. 成功完成防腐理论I和II是开始本课程的必要条件.

临床太平间实务III (CMP III)(1学时)

CMP brings the student into the lab where clinical practices rely heavily upon ET I theories and procedures as the basis for embalming fundamentals and safe clinical practices.

(MGT335) COMPS400 综合考试: Nbe预备课程 (3学时)

This mandatory pass/fail component of capstone curriculum delivers study resources for the National Board Examinations (NBE) including a series of comprehensive practice tests in Funeral Service Arts and Sciences to provide valuable study resources designed to simulate the National Board Arts and Sciences Examination sections (governed by The International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Board and administered by Pearson Vue testing centers). Progress and test score data is assessed weekly by faculty and successful course completion is achieved upon earning a score of 85% in each of the Arts and Sciences test sections.


SOC442 -葬礼后护理(1学时)

讨论了殡仪馆在丧亲期间为家属提供支持的作用. Consideration of the various components in a continuous care (aftercare) 程序 includes: bereavement literature, 个人联系和推荐, 悲伤支持小组和网络支持.

SOC441 -媒体与文学中的死亡(1学时)

This course combines the basic elements of literature with reading and writing about literary selections that have death as a central subject. 阅读内容包括小说、非小说、诗歌和戏剧作品.  电影选择也包括在内.

MGT 446 -殡葬服务中的技术(2学时)

This course explores various methods and platforms of technology and how it is useful in the funeral service profession and in caring for 家属. 本课程旨在让学生理解, 沟通, 并适应数字世界对葬礼服务的影响. 这将包括探索殡仪馆管理软件(Passare), and SRS Procession); methods of live streaming (Facebook Live, YouTube, 和OneRoom,)和视频聊天(缩放, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, 谷歌两, Skype); effective and responsible uses of social media; basics of funeral home website development; and exposure to foundational knowledge in hardware, 其他软件和IT支持. 学生不仅能理解概念, but they will be able to apply their knowledge to situations with hands-on activities and project-focused tasks. 重点放在道德和负责任的使用, 专业的沟通技巧和实践, 对葬礼承办人的责任, 解决问题的能力,最重要的是, 家庭纪念体验的附加价值.



This course takes a regional approach to gross anatomy with emphasis on those areas of the human body of interest to the embalmer, 尤其是循环系统.

MGT444 -殡葬服务合作社(6学时)

殡葬服务合作社提供校外殡仪馆设置六周的实践经验. 学生参与:移除, 准备工作, 敷料和装盒, 安排, 访客, 葬礼, 以及办公程序. 学生, 殡仪馆, and the college enter into a tri-party relationship in which each must accept responsibility for the co-op experience. 这种关系的目标是为学生提供一个机会, 在学术指导下, 参与葬礼服务的实际操作.

MGT445 -殡葬服务研讨会(3学时)

This specialty seminar style course provides consideration of current topics within the death care profession and consists of three components: Ethics, 会长研讨会及司仪培训. 本课程旨在培养丧葬服务专业人员的道德和法律意识, reflection and conduct which will then guide their decision making and actions in the proper care of the deceased and compassionate service to the bereaved. 本课程还探讨了道德商业、就业和大学实践. President’s Seminar discussions will focus on current topics relevant to our profession to help you expand your knowledge of death care so that you enter the profession as a well-rounded and well-versed professional. Celebrant training will focus on meeting the needs of survivors while meaningfully and appropriately honoring a life lived.